What We Do ?
The Kenya Livestock Commercialization Project (KeLCoP) is a six-year project jointly funded by; Government of Kenya (GOK), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Heifer International, Participating Financial Institutions (PFI) and Beneficiary communities. The Project came into force on 05 March 2021 with a Completion date of 31 March 2027 and Loan Closing date of 30 September 2027. The Project Goal is to contribute to the Government's agriculture transformation Agenda of increasing rural small- scale farmers' incomes, food and nutrition security. The development objective is to increase incomes of 110,000 poor livestock and pastoralist households, especially youth and women, in an environmentally friendly manner, in selected project areas of the 10 participating counties. The Project areas are Semi-Arid counties (Elgeyo Marakwet and Baringo), Arid counties (Marsabit and Samburu).and other areas are Busia, Bungoma, Kakamega, Siaya, Nakuru and Trans Nzoia.
Project Area

Project Fact Sheet
Expected Outcomes
Outcome 1
Enhanced poor rural people's production capacities
Outcome 2
Strengthen the environmental sustainability and climate resilience of poor rural people's economic activities
Outcome 3
Enhanced poor rural people's benefit from market participation